The Power of Plants: Join Lillian Kreppel as she speaks with Joy Pierson&Bart Potenza, founders of 3 acclaimed vegan restaurants in NYC: Candle Cafe, Candle 79 & Candle Cafe West,&authors of 3 internationally renowned vegan cookbooks. Bart’s insightful compilation of inspiring affirmations, “Look Two Ways on a One Way Street,” published in 2008 & continues to be lauded. Their frozen vegan classic creations & freshly baked sweets were sold at Whole Food Markets nationwide. Joy & Bart’s cooking classes & lectures on the benefits of organic, whole food plant based eating, are inspiring&motivating. Their plant based cooking has converted many a carnivore! Joy was the board chair&Bart a board member for the Coalition for Healthy School Food, which served marginalized communities in NYC, and brought plant based meals&education to schools, a critical intervention for the well-being of our youth and planet. Fully embracing a plant based lifestyle for over 30 years, & sharing the evidence-based, life changing results, continues to be rewarding& satisfying to body, mind&spirit. To further their commitment to health&well-being, Joy& Bart are currently brand partners in an organic CBD company, which is impacting people’s lives now more than ever!